Spring Pilates class schedule

Group lessons in de studio

All classes change weekly according to ABAB schedule

Monday       9.45 - 10.45 h
Pilates or Effortless Walking
Tuesday        9.45 - 10.45 h
Pilates or gyroKINESIS® training
Wednesday     9.45 - 10.45 h
Pilates or Effortless Walking
Wednesday     11.00 - 12.00 h
gyroKINESIS® training or Fascia in Motion

Wednesday        17.30 - 18.30 h 
Pilates or gyroKINESIS® training
Thursday      8.30 - 9.45 h
Fascia in Motion or gyroKINESIS® training
Thursday     17.30 - 18.30 h
gyroKINESIS® training or Pilates
Friday         9.00 - 10.00 h 
Fascia in Motion or Pilates
Friday         10.15 - 11.15 h 
Fascia in Motion or Pilates
Saturday        10.15 - 11.15h 
Fascia in Motion or Pilates

Book for the studio lessons

 You may participate unlimited in all group lessons

Book your place via the online Group Lesson Agenda.
You can book up to 15 minutes before the class starts.
You can change your booking up to 24 hours before the class starts.
Maximum of 10 places per class.

Personal Training

by appointment

Pilates Reformer
gyrotonic® Pulley tower
Anatomy In Motion
Fascial Release Series

Tuition Spring Pilates 2025

Spring Pilates subscription

168,50 per 12 weeks
per 50 weeks 595,-

Unlimited participation to all group classes

Single lesson 18,-
try-out lesson for free

Personal Training by appointment

1x 67,50
5x 315

independent Training

18,- per hour
170,- for a 10-time card 

benVitaal corporate fitness subscription

Tax-related company fitness scheme /cao a la carte
 60,98 gross per month

tax scale 
net p.month
tax benefit







You can find all the companies and institutions in and around Maastricht that take part on the Ben Vitaal website.
Ask your HRM department to arrange it for you.

benVitaal corporate fitness

Tax-advantaged subscription with benVitaal

Corporate fitness is an appealing instrument in the reduction of absenteeism. More and more employers see the advantages and decide to motivate their employees to exercise in some way. BenVitaal offers an attractive form of company fitness, namely the fiscal variant. Fiscal company fitness means that employees are offered the possibility to pay the subscription fee from their gross salary. Employees enjoy a discount on the subscription fee of 33-52%, depending on the percentage of wage tax that is paid.

Sign up

More information on this form of corporate fitness can be found at www.benefitsplein.nl. Here you will find the list of companies in this region that are already connected. Think of: Municipality of Maastricht, Maastricht University, Rabobank, Envida; too many to mention. Select your employer to visit the Benefitsplein of your organisation. You need an email address and a password. The password can be obtained from the personnel department of your employer, or by contacting benVitaal.

Is your employer not listed? Or is your employer listed, but you cannot (yet) choose for a subscription to Spring Pilates? 
Please contact benVitaal. They will be happy to help you and will contact your employer at your request to discuss the availability of company fitness, or to add Spring Pilates to the list of fitness centres and gyms you can choose from.

Want to join a trial lesson?

Look at the schedule, book your place.
Send me an email and tell me who you are.

Trial class is for free

Spring Pilates Maastricht